Deloitte does great things

Deloitte has raised a record £77,000 for the charity Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity. The firm raised the amount in the first two years as corporate partner for their Bristol office.

Fundraising has included the Big Bristol Abseil down Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, a 26-mile walking challenge around the Jurassic Coast, the Great Weston Ride, Great Bristol Runs, raffles and office appeals.

Not only that, but Deloitte staff member Jo Hale won the Outstanding Employee Award at this year’s Third Sector Business Charity Awards. Jo, alongside her sister-in-law Sam, who also works at Deloitte, has raised £12,000 for Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.


Hospital school sessions

Deloitte’s people are fundraising for a holistic education programme at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, which includes music, drama and singing lessons, 3D printing and virtual reality sessions.

They are also doing weekly volunteering with patients at the hospital.

Since the start of the partnership, almost 600 patients aged between five and 16 have benefited from Deloitte’s support.


Seeing the pure joy on the children’s faces is just magical

Emma Stone, Deloitte’s lead on the charity partnership, said: “We are so grateful to be involved in making a difference to the children’s experience during their stays at the hospital. We’ve heard amazing things about the impact the music and drama teachers are having on both the children and the parents, but seeing the pure joy on the children’s faces for myself in the school room whilst participating in our volunteering scheme is just magical."

“It was really important to me to fundraise for Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity whilst training for my first marathon last year, and knowing the impact our contributions are having has totally motivated me for the next challenge!”

One parent said, following a volunteering session:

"The session was a really positive experience. It was some light relief, without the pressure of a teacher. The session is so tailored and the volunteers are very resourceful, which brightens both the parent’s and child’s day!"

Elaine Gibson, from Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity, said: “This significant enhancement to the hospital’s school service has only been made possible thanks to our multi-year partnership with Deloitte. Their approach to partnership, which encompasses fundraising, match funding, volunteering, pro bono and more, has been a game changer for us as a charity.

“Most importantly, it has transformed the experience that children in hospital are getting, by delivering the kind of holistic educational provision that would be standard in a mainstream school setting. These opportunities are hugely important to support children and young people in hospital and help reduce the health inequalities that they face. We still have so much more we can do, and we can’t wait to see what year three brings.”


If you’re interested in fundraising for Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity with your business, email [email protected]